ScreenTone Club

May 2020 BONUS - Death Note One-Shot

Episode Summary

In this special BONUS episode of Screentone Club, Elliot and Andy talk about Apples, spooky notebooks and "President Blinton" as they dive into the recently released Death Note One-Shot!

Episode Notes

In this special BONUS episode of Screentone Club, Elliot and Andy talk about Apples, spooky notebooks and "President Blinton" as they dive into the recently released Death Note One-Shot!

This series was voted on by our lovely Patrons and we thought we would record two Bonus episodes this month and make one of them (this one!) available to everyone. :)

Series Discussed: Death Note One-Shot

If you enjoy this episode, please consider backing us on Patreon - from only US$1 a month you get exclusive bonus episodes and other perks as well, including the ability to vote on topics for us to cover!

We are also now affiliates on Bookwalker! Using this link will give us a small kickback, helping cover the cost of manga for the podcast!

0:01:45 - Death Note: A Primer!  

0:04:30 - “Ideas People”  

0:07:00 - “A Post Death Note World”

0:11:30 - Updating it for 2019!

0:15:15 - “World-Changing Boner”

0:19:15 - Exposition Appointment


0:27:45 - End of Spoilers!

0:30:00 - Closedown