ScreenTone Club

S4E23 - DC3, The Dangers in My Heart

Episode Summary

In this episode of ScreenTone Club, Elliot and Andy cover the burning issues of the day - Robocop and Incels!

Episode Notes

In this episode of ScreenTone Club, Elliot and Andy cover the burning issues of the day - Robocop and Incels!

Series Discussed: The Dangers in My Heart Vol. 1, DC3

Assignments for next Episode: My Senpai is Annoying Vol. 1, As the Gods Will: The Second Series Vol. 1

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0:01:45 - Jumbo Returning Champions: Kobosuba (LN) (again)
0:04:45 - Eniale & Dewiela Vol. 3
0:08:15 - “Make an Art Book already!”
0:09:45 - Sachi’s Monstrous Appetite Vols. 3 + 4
0:11:45 - Tony Hawk’s Monstrous Appetite?
0:16:45 - With a Dog and a Cat, Every Day is Fun Vols. 4 +5
0:19:00 - Even Though We’re Adults Vols. 2 + 3 
0:22:30 - A Very British Affair
0:26:00 - Mother-In-Law Power
0:35:00 - Andy’s Pick: DC3
0:40:30 - Scope Issues
0:47:30 - Depth?
0:49:45 - Platinum End mention
0:52:00 - Elliot’s Pick: The Dangers in my Heart Vol. 1
0:54:30 - Headfake
0:57:30 - On Point, but Tiring
1:02:30 - “Strange” art
1:03:30 - My Neighbor Seki?
1:07:45 - Our Picks for Next Episode!
1:09:30 - Closedown!