ScreenTone Club

S4E04 - Meet in Midland, Heterogenia Linguistico

Episode Summary

In this episode of ScreenTone Club, Elliot and Andy Meet in Midland before heading off to enjoy a bit of Beastman communication in Heterogenia Linguistico!

Episode Notes

In this episode of ScreenTone Club, Elliot and Andy Meet in Midland before heading off to enjoy a bit of Beastman communication in Heterogenia Linguistico!

Series Discussed: Meet in Midland, Heterogenia Linguistico Vol. 1

Assignments for next Episode: Eniale and Dewiala Vol. 1,  Even Though We're Adults Vol. 1

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0:03:45 - Elliot’s Pick: Meet in Midland
0:05:30 - Machine Learning Translation Results 
0:09:15 - “Love a bit of Yuri”
0:13:00 - Leaving us wanting more
0:17:00 - Available outside of normal channels
0:19:45 - “Please don’t yell at me on twitter”
0:21:00 - Andy’s Pick: Heterogenia Linguistico Vol. 1
0:23:45 - Where’s the goblins???
0:25:30 - Easing you in
0:29:15 - Anthropology! 
0:30:45 - “Unfailingly Polite”
0:35:00 - Do your damn homework!
0:38:00 - Dense!
0:43:00 - Our Picks for next episode!