In this final episode of the second season of Screentone Club, Elliot and Andy perform a running dive into a pair of Shoujo Beat series: the sweet and Gremlin-filled Shortcake Cake and the utter powerhouse Nana!
In this final episode of the second season of Screentone Club, Elliot and Andy perform a running dive into a pair of Shoujo Beat series: the sweet and Gremlin-filled Shortcake Cake and the utter powerhouse Nana!
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0:01:30 - The UK election suddenly feels like it was eons ago, huh?
0:03:15 - Returning Champions! After Hours!
0:07:00 - Avoiding the Kitchen Sink
0:10:00 - Extended Cast Power
0:12:00 - Shoujo Beat Double Header!
0:12:15 - Elliot’s Pick: Shortcake Cake!
0:13:00 - GREMLIN
0:19:00 - “Colon Three”
0:21:15 - Mundane, Domestic Life
0:23:15 - Turning a Charm into a Mundanity
0:27:00 - A Speedy Read
0:29:30 - Andy’s Pick: Nana!
0:30:15 - A Tale of Two Nanas
0:33:15 - All Setup
0:36:30 - Basically Two Different Series Combined
0:39:00 - No Wasted Time
0:41:00 - Establishing Locations
0:46:30 - Also Fine as a Self-Contained Work
0:47:30 - Our Picks for 2020!
0:49:00 - Closedown